๐Ÿ‘จโ€๐Ÿ‘ฉโ€๐Ÿ‘งโ€๐Ÿ‘ฆHolders Community

Our community group is accessible by holding either 0.5% or more in tokens, or a lifetime NFT pass.

This channel is an open forum with the following commands available. These commands empower you with real-time data and analytics. Explore the functionalities below and learn how to leverage them for success.

Holder Community Command List

  1. /detailedbuys [contract_address] - Provides in-depth details about sniping activity on a specific token.

  2. /summary [contract_address] - Offers a concise summary of sniping activities for any token.

  3. /bestentry [contract_address] - Reveals the most effective snipe for a token.

  4. /getsniperholdings [contract_address] - Displays current sniper holdings for a token.

  5. /funders [sniper_address] - Lists the known funders for a sniper.

  6. /marketshare - Shows which tools snipers are using.

  7. /bundlewinners - Identifies tools that are winning the most bundles.

  8. /exposesnipers - Uncovers snipers who share non-CEX funding wallets.

  9. /gettopsnipers - Shows the top ranked snipers (all time) who have the most entries in the top marketcaps in our database.

  10. /freshies [contract_address] - Lists every fresh wallet that purchased a token and whether they sold, held or bought more.

  11. /getwebsite [contract_address] - Shows a preview and lists the socials of a project if the socials are available within the code.

Last updated