V2 Approvals
✅ In this channel you're watching the first time any token is approved for trade on V2 in real time.
Last updated
✅ In this channel you're watching the first time any token is approved for trade on V2 in real time.
Last updated
V2 Approvals Bot
The V2 Approvals Bot was created to notify users of first-time approvals for tokens on Uniswap V2.
Approval Alert: Informs users about the first approval of any token on Uniswap V2, suggesting that the token is ready for trading on the platform.
Token Information:
Name: Presents the name of the token.
Contract Address: Lists the Ethereum contract address of the token, enabling users to find it on the blockchain for detailed analysis.
Approval Wallet: Shows the wallet address that performed the approval, as well as teh supply it is holding.
Token Analytics:
Contract Age: Indicates how recently the token contract was deployed.
Approver Balances: Provides the balance of ETH and stablecoins (USDT and USDC) in the approver's wallet.
Social Links: Offers a direct link to the token's website for additional information and community interaction.
Token Links:
Approver Wallet Link: Directs to the Etherscan page for the approval wallet, allowing users to examine the wallet's activities and token holdings.
Contract Address Link: Connects to the token's Etherscan page for in-depth contract analysis.