Newly Verified

๐Ÿ—’ In this channel you're watching contracts that are being verified on Etherscan in real time.

Newly Verified Bot

The Newly Verified bot function is a real-time alert system that notifies users of newly verified tokens on the Ethereum blockchain. This bot provides essential information about a token as soon as it becomes verified, which includes:

  • Token Name and Ticker: The name and ticker symbol of the newly verified token.

  • Contract Address: The Ethereum contract address for the token.

  • Trading Status: An indication of whether the token has started trading or not.

  • Age of Token: The precise time since the token was deployed, down to the minute.

  • Token Information Links: Quick access links to view the token on Etherscan.

  • Token Social Media Links: Direct links to the token's website and other social media platforms, facilitating easy access to additional information and community engagement.

Last updated