
๐Ÿค– Anytime there is a new MetaDrops one-click deploy, you'll be notified here in real time.

MetaDrops Bot

The MetaDrops Bot from Baboon Tools is designed to inform users of new token deployments on the meta drops platform.

  • Deployment Alert: Signals the creation of a new token launched with a one click deploy.

  • Token Deployment Details:

    • Address: Provides the Ethereum contract address of the new token, allowing users to view it directly on Etherscan.

    • Token Name: The name of the token.

    • Liquidity Added: Indicates the amount of liquidity, in this case, 0.7 ETH, that has been initially added to the token's pool.

    • Lock Period: Specifies the duration for which the liquidity is locked.

Last updated