
πŸ‘This channel will alert you to any significant fresh wallet buys that occur in the first two blocks of a token's launch

Freshies Bot - Wallet Activity Tracker

The Freshies Bot is a key feature of the Baboon Tools arsenal, designed to monitor and report on new wallets engaging with a particular token. It provides users with a comprehensive overview of fresh wallet buys. This can help you determine if a token is a rug or insider play, depending on how these wallets behave. Use this tool combined with /freshies in the community channel for a comprehensive fresh wallet overview for any project,

  • Event Notification: Alerts users when new wallets, make purchases of a token within a specific block, giving insight into possible team or insider buying.

  • Wallet and Transaction Details: Lists individual wallets and their respective purchase sizes, alongside links to view the transactions, providing transparency and real-time data on fresh wallets.

  • Market Impact: Details the combined ETH value paid by these new wallets and their collective share of the token supply purchased.

  • Token Analytics:

    • Buy/Sell Tax: Indicates the taxes applied to purchases and sales of the token.

    • Honeypot Status: Assesses the safety of the token, indicating whether it is a honeypot.

    • Tokens in Contract Address: Shows the percentage of the token supply held in the contract address.

  • Social Links: Provides a direct link to the token's known social links.

  • First Snipe Timing: Reports the time passed since the first snipe of this token occurred.

Last updated